

Hot rolled coil

Hot-rolled coil, with slab (mainly continuous casting slab) as the raw material, is made into strip by the roughing mill and finishing mill after heating. The hot steel strip from the final rolling mill rolled into a steel coil by a coiler after being cooled to a set temperature by laminar flow. The cooled steel strip, according to the different needs of the user, will be subjected to different finishing operations Line (flattening, straightening, crosscutting or slitting, inspection, weighing, packaging and marking, etc.) and become steel plate, flat roll and longitudinal steel products.

Main use: general engineering structure, cold forming steel, cars, bridges, ships, boxes, cutting tools and so on.

Hot rolled coil specifications

宝丰县| 瑞金市| 安图县| 盐津县| 启东市| 确山县| 九龙城区| 南溪县| 洪湖市| 定边县| 佛学| 隆安县| 遂昌县| 大石桥市| 彭阳县| 方城县| 宁化县| 申扎县| 沈阳市| 甘谷县| 乐业县| 澜沧| 星座| 商水县| 吉木乃县| 库车县| 克拉玛依市| 景洪市| 大埔县| 综艺| 冷水江市| 房产| 南川市| 孟连| 榆树市| 固始县| 连江县| 防城港市| 拜城县| 平果县| 左权县|