

Procurement services

Establishing strategic partnerships with a wide range of resource companies to provide the most reliable guarantee in terms of supply and quality stability as well as to reduce costs for customers through an integrated procurement process. Professional senior team for customers to customize the trading that is most consistent with the needs of customers , including spot transactions, forward orders, futures prices and other trading patterns.

With China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, one of the world's top 500 corporations, as our backup force, sufficient strength and integrity are the biggest guarantee to consolidate the two-side stable cooperation and mutual development.

阳信县| 方山县| 青岛市| 海安县| 兴海县| 于都县| 富锦市| 财经| 桓仁| 光山县| 菏泽市| 梅河口市| 潞城市| 渑池县| 正宁县| 金寨县| 全椒县| 南丹县| 辽阳县| 泗阳县| 鲁甸县| 漳浦县| 鞍山市| 岑溪市| 耒阳市| 金沙县| 新丰县| 乡宁县| 偃师市| 泸溪县| 霍林郭勒市| 双鸭山市| 卓资县| 如皋市| 惠水县| 白沙| 嘉黎县| 惠州市| 怀远县| 龙门县| 太仆寺旗|